
Showing posts from October, 2010

happy halloween / blah vikings blah

friday night / things comes back / grading day / writing nite

Ms Lyla G Bear Supreme turned ONE. Im the best Auntie yep. I got that baby grl a coupe / here she is cruisin the valley.

Tim Peterson's Intro for me at the EOAGH READING SERIES (back in June '10, bklyn, ny)

Sat / mission food food wine champagne fur wigs karaoke flowers cards lots of pics love smart women fun

friday / grita is staring at me / it's finally chilly in tucson

thurs / i am a happy grl / a tired grl / & a full grl who has talked to her mama--all this already & it's just noon

tues / whoop vikes won / im cooking chkn collards rice & tomato gravy & sweet corn

Sam's Quince!


Sam's Quince more

Last nite / Samantha's Quinceanera

SUN / fooooooooooooootball game in progress. cowboys vs VIKINGS.

friday / test run ... check / leave me with your borneo i said leave me the way i was before ... / early life jams that wont quit

thurs / just got back from mms / closet searching

wed / like religion / tim barry 'wait at milano' / fav song ever

vikes lost / but the magic is coming back / i need a pony

it's 1:52 in tucson / i just graded 28 essays / yesterday i graded 27

football sunday / but vikes play tomorrow / update: teacher's sunday, grading grading / temperance tus

SAT / here & there / lower 80s = happy happy

SAT / hello! / happenings

Happy 10th Birthday Lashels!

fri / taroh / champagne / board games

thursday! / a beauty report

tues / ack my head aches / sherwin bitsui day in lit 101s / more rain / tus

monday / doo wop / isnt it fall yet?

football sunday / yesterday we had rain / stuff im into

POG Reading / Nov 6 / 8pm / w Anselm Berrigan

bright saturday / still too hot / good coffee / tus