
Showing posts from 2018

SUGAR IN THE GOURD by Gid Tanner and his Skillet Lickers 1930

ain't life a learning thing

Tucson! We're coming for you! Poetry Reading with Shelly Taylor, Hannah Ensor, and Meg Wade on Nov. 2 at Exo Roast in the Ole Pueblo. Very excited, as this is Hannah's debut collection Tucson debut, and lord knows we're gonna celebrate!

doubleontherocks - 3rd in the 1D at the Hodges, NBHA GA 08 - Go Ro Go!!!


Thank you, Time magazine, for this important coverage. I could speak pages (days and days!) about this American atrocity. We teachers are not paid a living wage, period. It is like banging your head against a wall semester after semester, year after year and really can rob of your genuine love of the classroom. I love teaching and I love my students, but as an adjunct instructor (and in the past as an instructor/lecturer, even) the quality of life from wage is poverty. The powers that be at the helm of this American atrocity educational system who are no doubt making six figures should be ashamed and should be made to answer...(and fired...and tarred...and feathered...and should make a teacher wage for the rest of their lives, so help me God).

no bull branded at southeastern arena - nice clean run and lots of fun

recent recents

hbd (a lil late) frank, to whom i (and so many) owe so much

when i miss my also home

respect post (cause any day you wake up singing 'element' is a good day

new 'do, new girl

willa lucille mulhall aka willa wu aka wookie turns one year old

equine acupuncture is a thing


when i miss my also home

rooooouch july is best july