
Showing posts from August, 2012

Kaia at Congress / time to get thee to the sports bar for the PACKERS preseason game

pics from desert adventure

tuesday / students / ponies


i'm not kidding / i can tell the light is going fall / sheet change / i love

back to work & overcast monsoon tucson makes me want soup / weekend recipe please / from "what katie ate": most beaut food blog these eyes hath seen!!!



things lately - g'bye GA hallo Tucson

today goes new comp up & werking / bigass chinese buffet lunch / pedi w granny / prepping my trip to ATH / ATL [reading at Emory on Thurs] / au revoir my good old car / TUCS on Sat! the road trip commences

Gabby D / I'm on Arroyo Chico this week / oh yeh, I'm also at the beach working on my tan / also, just sent off next chap to its new home, hopefully / WORK!