my sugar's the sweetest

so, today was figuring up to be much like the rest--do this, do that: folks coming to snake the drain, need to workout, pick up dry cleaning, grocery store, make potato soup, stuff for tarpaulin sky, email jim harrison's secretary (okay, not-so-regular!) so she can relay my msg via fax (he does not use the computer at all!), haircut with miss maria (talk about sister mimi carey drunk at some award show, how ridic she looks wearing matching w/ nick cannon, cute football players, every imp show on bravo, esp ones dealing with hair: it is so very important, etc...).

i got home round 630 from some errands, rounded the corner & what do i see in the bedroom corner? neil had conspired with noah s & got for me my black-eyed heifer cover! i am such a lucky happy girl!

there's sasstrid monkeying around. there's grita in the basket!

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