more pics SAT

day two is prospect heights EOAGH reading number une. jake's reading at unnameable books with dottie laskey (who i loved to hear) & kim lyons. carrie & i ate brunch at beast. we both got the same thing: a poached egg on top of cheesy polenta w/ choritzo, and rock shrimp, with a small salad on the side. DELISHOUS. the reading was really good. afterwards we watched the tail end of the world cup at a bar on vanderbilt. kyle, my friend from 'a raisin in the sun' crew, came over to visit & catch up. i just love kyle & missed seeing damron-love. it is amazing to see tim peterson whom i think the world of. we went back to bushwick to relax a bit, stoop drink, & plan evening. carrie went into manhattan to some swank club i had no urge to step foot into, so jake & i got a car to p slope, ate at bonnie's, then went to the gate for the best beer in bklyn. brklyn buzz bomb, a honey mead, yum. we had fun, got to sleep bout 4. i didnt sleep really. never do if im reading the next day.

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