Tarpaulin Sky Summer Sale for your broke asses

(so now you can get Heifer & Numbers together for super-cheap. noah saterstrom painted both book covers.)


(work it!)

The 2010 Tarpaulin-Sky-Heard-You're-Feeling-Broke Summer Sale!

TSky Press titles for as little as $8 each, w/ free shipping!
2 books @ $10 | 3 books @ $9 | 4+ books @ $8

In an effort to do our part to help the economy, and since we can't pay most of our present staff much less hire you, we'd like to provide you with some affordable summer reading. That's right, comrades, you can now get your hands on Tarpaulin Sky Press titles for as little as $8 each, including shipping (vs. $16-$19 "elsewhere.") And who wants to support the big-business model, anyway? Have you had enough greed? Corruption? Disaster? Would you like a book or two to read while you weep through the rest of your days living in a cardboard box on an oil-soaked beach? Well, you're in luck, because Tarpaulin Sky is looking to aim a little sunshine at your head!

Yes, now even you can afford our titles: SPD Bestsellers, Publishers Weekly and Time Out New York faves that even Kate Bernheimer, Rebecca Brown, Brian Evenson, Laird Hunt, Bhanu Kapil, Lance Olsen, et al. take the time to read and "recommend"; INNOVATIVE FICTION, POETRY, AND TRANS-GENRE TEXTS from Jenny Boully, Ana Božičević, Traci O Connor, Mark Cunningham, Danielle Dutton, Noah Eli Gordon & Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Gordon Massman, Joyelle McSweeney, Joanna Ruocco, Kim Gek Lin Short, Shelly Taylor, Max Winter, and Andrew Zornoza.

Taking advantage of this limited sale is easy: 1) choose how many books you'd like 2) click "add to cart" 3) on the PayPal page, click "proceed to checkout" 4) when you check out, writw us a little note in the box labeled "special instructions to seller" & tell us which authors & titles you need to survive & You're good to go!

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