mon / fresh week / waiting on the mail / bam!
im waiting on ups to deliver my 'petite noir diana' lomography camera. as well as my ample books from spd. c'mon ups--you're usually here by now.
im working away on 'l r f b' cause im going to send it out by the end of feb for a chapbook this or that contest. we'll see. im working though, so that's nice as can be.
going soon here (c'mon ups) to visit dani & baby e. & workout. these things ive been meaning to do but got a bit sick over the weekend.
yesterday i went out to the ranch to visit ellie & ralph the asian cowboy picked us up in his truck & took us shooting on his farm. i shot a browning a-4 machine gun mounted to this pre-hummer military jeep. [pics coming.] it was pretty accurate to be such a mammoth of a machine gun. i didnt shoot the other guns cause i was on the meds still. i enjoyed myself. me, my german sister ellie, & ralph, our asian cowboy friend. ralph has 3 blue heelers. i wrestled them til they made me get in the truck to go. went to a cowboy named arnolds to visit his barn--he's a calf roper. he lives across a field, not even a mile, from sherri cervi's farm where there were horses & horse trailors galore. im hoping to meet her soon & for sure one day getting her to train my next horse.
yesterday the packers won. the jets won on sat. so at least all this is some good news to counteract the awfulness of tucson's weekend. we're still praying for you, gabby giffords, & everyone involved. im awfully glad the kid, the murderer, wasnt a student of mine--he did attend pima nw, where i teach. thankful. it's monday. bam!
im working away on 'l r f b' cause im going to send it out by the end of feb for a chapbook this or that contest. we'll see. im working though, so that's nice as can be.
going soon here (c'mon ups) to visit dani & baby e. & workout. these things ive been meaning to do but got a bit sick over the weekend.
yesterday i went out to the ranch to visit ellie & ralph the asian cowboy picked us up in his truck & took us shooting on his farm. i shot a browning a-4 machine gun mounted to this pre-hummer military jeep. [pics coming.] it was pretty accurate to be such a mammoth of a machine gun. i didnt shoot the other guns cause i was on the meds still. i enjoyed myself. me, my german sister ellie, & ralph, our asian cowboy friend. ralph has 3 blue heelers. i wrestled them til they made me get in the truck to go. went to a cowboy named arnolds to visit his barn--he's a calf roper. he lives across a field, not even a mile, from sherri cervi's farm where there were horses & horse trailors galore. im hoping to meet her soon & for sure one day getting her to train my next horse.
yesterday the packers won. the jets won on sat. so at least all this is some good news to counteract the awfulness of tucson's weekend. we're still praying for you, gabby giffords, & everyone involved. im awfully glad the kid, the murderer, wasnt a student of mine--he did attend pima nw, where i teach. thankful. it's monday. bam!