
Showing posts from February, 2011

sun / oscars / cooking

SAT / dreary day ew / where's the sun?

sat / sissy had a birthday on thurs

tues / thinkin bout mexico yup -- gotta get this book done & out firstly tho

mon / my new bed is in the mail / thank you monty & Coleys boys & mama

sun / gray out / snuggle in

fri / cooking day & regrouping day / sasstrid

it's tues but wed am / tomorrows gonna be

mon / v-day / part une, in pictures

sun / organize & clean & it's gorgeous out & im cheerful

SAT / gorgeous day & drive down to Patagonia

fri / just beautiful day / writing in the office w/ mm

wed / still in my pjs cause i teach a nite class / listening to dolly records / LL LL youre the best

tues / dragulater! if ya cant love yaself how the hell ya gonna love anyone else? -rupaul

sun / yah!

sat / who said who saaaaaaid, you cannot lose if you do not play

sat / O O O O O

happy to not be at awp

thurs / it's 26 damn degrees outside / brrrrrrrrrr

tues / hallo feb / life is full of eventualities