That you can keep

Ms Kaia Chesney & I went out for poetry tonite.

Zach gave an amazing reading from Fjords.

Joyelle blew my mind.  I left inspired.


Next Word in Poetry: Joyelle McSweeney and Zachary Schomburg

10/11/2012 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Joyelle McSweeney
Joyelle McSweeney
Joyelle McSweeney is the author, most recently, of Percussion Grenade, poems and a play from Fence Books; the upcoming Salamandrine, 8 Gothics, prose and a play from Tarpaulin Sky; Flet,
an eco-dystopic novel from Fence...
Zachary Schomburg
Zachary Schomburg is the author of three books of poems: Fjords vol. 1 (2012), Scary, No Scary (2009), and The Man Suit (2007), all from Black Ocean. He is the editor of a poetry press, Octopus Books, and co-curates a...

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