
Showing posts from January, 2016

from poetry daily -

holy hell. i am packing for a trip to hawaii and watching peaky blinders. i am packing and watching peaky blinders. freakin peaky blinders. wtf bbc i am loving this writing, casting, etc.etc etc.

(wishing for) my best impression / of my best angie dickinson

20 years pele / i don't like a thing anyone is saying in honor of 1996-2016 / it's not enough / no other artist has had such an impact on my thinking / this album is seminal

20 years we are reeling / pele, boys and boys for / my 14, 18, 29, 34 year old self is thankful

from fall 2012, hearing and then meeting CD Wright, at the University of AZ Po Center - she was exactly how I imagined her to be (I think I flushed red and gushed god knows what). the poetry world will so terribly miss her.

god is louise. louise moves in mysterious ways.

rip cd wright / will so miss your words, are so blessed and grateful for what we do have / thank you



packers play cards in phx - erik and i did go - last seat in the nosebleed section heheee! such joy, such sadness

regretfully late post of georgia xmas and tucs goodstuff