
Showing posts from September, 2012

Very, very proud to be included in Dusie - The Radical Vernacular Issue - thanks guest editor Mike Sikkema! what a gorgeous group of hick poets!

it's Saturday ya'll! i can write!

i kinda love this Coldfront Mag spotlight on Dobby Gibson

Week in Pics / too much grading / finally DONE

shittiest football call EVER


Last days of freedom bf grading commences...& life is officially over for a good week & maybe more

POG reading - today is football Sunday - and hopefully horses - lil lecture planning too

me sissstur & g bear

yesturday i had myself a monday-friday / sleep it off! / tonite i'm reading w/ POG & Friends / c'mon down

CD Wright amazing!!!!! / Yes, Packers! 23-10!!!!! So proud of my boys!

Yay! My dear friend Ari Zwartjes has a new book out from University of Iowa Press! Congrats Ms Ari!


Blah, blah, blah - we got work to do before Thursday vs those stank Bears


work work work

Monday & I'm in me pjs still working away - thanks so much Labor Day